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Parent advice - supporting young people’s mental health

Life has its natural peaks and troughs when it comes to our wellbeing; it is a normal part of the human condition to be lower in mood at certain points or anxious about things looming on our horizon. However, if you are concerned about sustained low mood and significant changes to someone’s mental health, there are steps you can take to help.

Where should I start?

Read this advice for young people struggling with initial presentations of low-mood or stress.

How can I improve my mental health? Top 10 tips for young people (above)

Read the advice for young people above together; consider how you can make some changes for them or with them, and take a look at some of the links to delve deeper into some of the issues.

The problem is particularly linked to covid and/or anxiety - where can I go for advice?

General advice for helping teens to manage the difficulties posed by coronavirus

Young Minds


See this advice page for tips on supporting anxiety around school attendance

I want to help my child build resilience. Where can I go for help?

The Kent Resilience Hub has a range of short videos and advice helping parents get started in addressing their child’s resilience:

Great Ormond Street Hospital offers some advice for helping children build resilience:


My child is struggling with low mood/anxiety and/or stress - I need practical strategies that will help them

You could direct your teen to these websites and apps for targeted support and practical strategies for management of anxiety and overwhelming feelings

NHS Every Mind Matters

Mind Fresh
Mind Fresh is an NHS recommended app that could help with initial strategies and provides links to other useful sources of support and information.

Headspace is an app which promotes positive responses to stress, promotes resilience and uses mindfulness as a strategy to deal with life’s problems.

Mood Tools
Mood Tools is specifically aimed at managing very low mood and promotes strategies to keep safe.

My child needs counselling. Is there a way to get help quickly?

These are some links to counselling services online with young people in mind. They have different ways of accessing someone to talk to such as text, phone or online chat: (for ages 11-24) (for ages 16 and over)

Chathealth is a texting service which provides you with direct contact with a member of the school health team in Kent 07520 618850

I need help encouraging my teen to get more exercise. Where can I get help?

I’ve identified sleep as an issue for my child. What shall I do?

I’m worried my child is self-harming and having very dark thoughts. What should I do?


If you are worried your teen may be self-harming, Young Minds has a comprehensive advice page aimed at parents and carers:

Young Minds also have a parent/carers helpline. Call them free on 0808 802 5544 (Monday-Friday 9:30-16:00)

The NSPCC also tackle this issue from a parent/carers perspective:

The NSPCC also have a helpline; If you're worried about a child or young person, you can contact the NSPCC helpline for support and advice for free on 0808 800 5000 or contact them online.

Suicidal thoughts

Papyrus is a charity focusing on the prevention of young suicide. Gain more information on a range of issues from these pamphlets on their website:

Papyrus runs HopelineUK, a confidential support and advice service for:

  • Children and Young People under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide
  • Anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide

Call HopelineUK on 0800 0684848, text them on 07860 039967 or email

If you have immediate worries about your child’s safety, take them to A & E.

Where can I go for mental health support from health professionals?

For information regarding Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) in Kent, please see this leaflet explaining their offer:

You can refer young people to CYPMHS by calling the Single Point of Access on 0300 123 4496 or refer using the form included in this website:

My child is saying they don’t want to go to school with increasing regularity. What should I do?

See this advice page for tips on supporting anxiety around school attendance:

Contact the young person’s Year Lead for a discussion about how we can support you.

Developing knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world.

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Dane Court Grammar School
Broadstairs Road
CT10 2RT

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(01843) 864941