Careers Information and Guidance at Dane Court
Developing knowledgeable, caring and confident young people who understand the future, their place within it and how they will contribute.
Our Futures curriculum will give students the confidence to identify their skills, build knowledge about local and global employment, and enable them to discover and embrace opportunities that will lead to a fulfilling and sustainable future.
Dane Court works closely with Education Business Partnership Kent, universities, apprenticeship providers, employers, and alumni, to achieve the following aims:
A whole school programme of careers events suitable for every key stage with high levels of challenge
High quality resources and activities for staff to deliver through assemblies, mentoring and curriculum subjects
Targeted independent advice and guidance for students
Strong relationship with EBP Kent, employers and training providers
Use of labour market information to inform parents of the changing career landscape
Provide aspirational development programmes that utilise the strong academic pathways at Dane Court
Careers Team
Careers Leader - Catherine Edwards
Further information
Careers events - please see our social media